Thursday, July 30, 2009
More Memories: Asian Projex Days
This one is of two partners in our small company, Asian Projex Unlimited (APEX). We were doing the "Dress Up Your Cuervo" campaign. One of our stops was Baguio City. The trip doubled as R&R.

The photos have nearly faded. I wanted to save them so scanned them to keep these good memories alive.

Here I am with (L-R) Armi Mayoralgo and Chit Niar. Having Lunch at Cafe by the Ruins.

Here is Armi and Chit on our UP Baguio stop. Gotta admit I do miss the girls. Meeting up with Armi one of these days (or so that's the plan). Sadly, we don't know where Chit is now.

posted by mommymy @ 7:52 PM   0 comments
Blast from the Past!!!
Cleaning up, using this free time to scan old pics and fix up old files, went on a time warp and it has been so for the last 3 days. I am on a brief break before joining a big BPO firm, ELI GLOBAL, where I was invited to be their Marketing Manager. I am using this time to do stuff I always meant to: organize pics & digital files!!!

And so, from sending pictures to old college friends, Julian's classmates' moms, to backpack days in Rio de Janeiro --- I am going through threads and threads of good memories!

Here are a couple more photos from the batch I dug up.

Taken with old flame Renol Urra. (Yes! I can post them because they were good times and Renol remains a good and well-loved friend)....Uy.

These were taken in Baguio City. For the life of me couldn't remember anymore. Definitely between the years of 1995-1997, when we were still together.

I wonder how the old fella's doing??? LOL

This photo was taken in Phil Adamson's house in Forbes. I remember his mother had taken the picture. They've sold that house and Phil's mom passed away a couple of years ago. Saddened that I couldn't even remember her name but happy that I had kept this photo :D

posted by mommymy @ 7:41 PM   0 comments
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